CEE Prevent Net package of activities

International exchange and transfer of good practices

The starting point for the international exchange is good practices that already exist among the project partners (and their partner organisations). These good practices shall be subject of the project’s international exchange activities: After collecting, selecting and describing the good practices, a 5-day international summer school for 40-50 people will take place in which practitioners from the project consortium (and national partner organisations) offer introductory peer trainings on their good practices for first-line practitioners.
Those good practices that after a phase of implementation have been proven to be transferable will be collected and published in a ‘Compendium of Good Practices’.

Implementation of good practices: Peer coaching and youth workshops

After the summer school, some of the practitioners that have been trained in new good practice approaches are provided the opportunity to implement the newly acquired tools and methods in direct prevention activities with young people in their work environment (e.g. workshops or trainings in their youth club/school).
In order to prepare the implementation, the practitioners will receive an additional 2-day on-site peer coaching in their own workplace in order to deepen their knowledge about the new practices and prepare the workshop/training with experienced practitioners who introduced the new practice.
After that, they will implement the new methods and tools in 5-day workshops/trainings with young people. These workshops will be co-facilitated by new and experienced trainers, if possible. After the training both, the new and experienced practitioners will draft a report on the transferability of the good practice in order to improve the good practice description that will then be part of the CEE Prevent Net Compendium of Good Practices.

Facilitating a holistic, inter-agency approach to prevention: Prevent Seminar and Local Roundtables

CEE Prevent Net aims at embedding the peer training and youth activities in a strategy of community engagement and inter-agency cooperation that brings together practitioners, local authorities and other stakeholders. In order to initiate and facilitate such dialogue the project will offer a 3-day “Prevent Seminar” on intolerance, group hatred and intolerance in the partner countries and on strategies to react to them in in the community (held by cultures interactive with some support from national partners).
Additionally, the partners will initiate a local roundtable in each country as a platform for constant exchange between different stakeholders. If similar platforms already exist, the project will build on them and not introduce parallel structures.

Governmental advocacy and policymaker engagement

CEE Prevent Net will develop recommendations on how to effectively communicate to and establish dialogue with difficult to engage governmental stakeholders on the local and national level in order to muster their support for prevention activities. To do so, the partners in in charge of the advocacy activities will draft an “national advocacy report” that includes potentials for sustainable prevention work under adverse conditions, specific challenges for prevention work in the country and strategies for involving authorities and policymakers.
The country reports will be merged into a cross-national practice recommendation that can then be published as a working paper and be presented and discussed in the roundtable meetings.